Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thinking of thanks

Last year on Thanksgiving I recorded what the kids said they were thankful for on that particular day. This year I continued the tradition by jotting down what they expressed thankfulness for on our way to Grandma and Grandpa T's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Here is what they said:

Chick-Fil-A, White Castle (can you see a theme here?), and school

Our kitty cat (of whom she is, incidentally, terrified), us, clothes, a house, and Christmas

My birthday (he's been talking about it all year!), my house, my church, and my teachers

Grandma and Grandpa, Bisabuelo, and Jesus (okay, I must be doing something right)

As for me, I am thankful for God's faithfulness and for the ways in which he has revealed himself to me so powerfully this year. I am also thankful for a husband who, despite having to work long hours, still finds time to balance the checkbook, maintain the house, and support me in any way he can. I am thankful for our church, which has enabled our family to grow in so many ways this year; for our parents, whose assistance has often kept us afloat since the kids came along; and for good friends who continue to give of themselves to help us clothe, teach, entertain, and love our kiddos.

And, yes, I am thankful for the little rascals themselves:

Posing outside Grandma and Grandpa T's house on Thanksgiving Day
(Even if they do continue to give me fits when I'm trying to get a good group shot!)

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