I apologize for the long silence on my end: The last few days have been action-packed with family and NICU visits, moving up to the post-partum unit, filling out lots of paperwork, talking to nurses and doctors galore, learning to pump, etc., etc.—not to mention that I wasn't even able to access the hospital's wireless network anyway all day on Saturday, which was my last day there. Yep, I'm home!!!! I feel like a prisoner who's been freed—a very tired prisoner who hasn't walked in 3 months, is recovering from a C-section, and still has a huge uterus that makes me look heavily pregnant (hopefully the pumping will help it shrink back down to a manageable size; Ted asked me what I would say if someone asks me when I'm due, and I told him I'd just give the quads' real due date of February 9, ha!).
But enough about me—I know that what you guys are really interested in are the babies! Without further ado, here are some first pics, along with the info that everyone's been asking for:
But enough about me—I know that what you guys are really interested in are the babies! Without further ado, here are some first pics, along with the info that everyone's been asking for:

Isaac was Baby B in the womb. When he was born, he weighed 4 lb. 11 oz. and was 19 inches long. His first name means "laughter" in Hebrew, and he gets his middle name (pronounced "nay-yell") from my dad. He never required extra oxygen and was the first to come off his CPAP. I got to take his temperature (under his arm, whew!), change his tiny diaper, and give him his first bottle on Friday. After that, the doctor determined that his bilirubin levels were elevated (translation: he had jaundice), so the nurse put him in a blindfold and trained the phototherapy lights on him (but I just found out that they turned them off today, yay!). We think he really looks like Ted and can't wait to get to the hospital this afternoon so that we can see his cute little face again!
Lucia Celeste
Lucia was Baby C in the womb. When she was born, she weighed 4 lb. 5 oz. and was 17 inches long. Her first name (pronounced "loo-see-ah") means "light," and her middle name means "heavenly" (yes, there's a Beatles connection here—can you guess it?). Celeste also means "light blue" in Spanish and is the color of the Uruguayan flag. She never required extra oxygen and came off the CPAP on Saturday only to be put back on after her first bath (I guess the experience got her all excited or something). I got to hold her on Christmas while she was still on her CPAP, and then she went under the phototherapy lights, so we didn't get to see her face until a couple of days ago, when we happened to visit while she was taking a break from the blindfold. She is super-cute, and so far I think she also favors Ted. Now that she's on CPAP again, though, we're not sure when we'll get a good look at her next.
Jude was Baby A in the womb. When he was born, he was our big boy at 4 lb. 15 oz., and he measured 18 inches long. His first name is a direct reference to a Beatles song, and he shares his middle name with Ted, Ted's dad, and Ted's grandpa. He never required extra oxygen and is now off his CPAP, although he is usually blindfolded due to jaundice and phototherapy. Ted got to hold him the day after Christmas, I got to give him his first bottle yesterday, and we narrowly missed being able to give him his first bath. His hair is a little darker than Isaac and Lucia's, and his face is a little wider, so maybe he looks like my side of the family? Whoever he looks like, he is an adorable, alert little guy and I think he will be a lot of fun when he gets a little stronger!
Dahlia was Baby D in the womb (but the fact that her name also starts with a D is a coincidence). She is the runt of the litter and was responsible for the doctor deciding to go ahead and deliver the quads before we got to 34 weeks (which would have been today). When she was born, she weighed 3 lb. 9 oz. and was 17 inches long. Her first name (pronounced "dowl-ya") is the name of a flower that Mom grew in our front yard in Uruguay, and her middle name (pronounced "so-lees") is the beach in Uruguay where my family used to vacation when I was growing up. She is the only quad who's needed extra oxygen, but it's only been a small amount (regular room air is 20% oxygen, and she's been given between 28% and 40%). She hasn't yet been taken off her CPAP, but the nurse practitioner just called to say that that might happen in the next day or so. We hear that she's a feisty little girl, and we can hardly wait to see what she looks like under all those tubes and the blindfold!
Everyone is feeding regularly now and has been gaining in grams, although not enough yet to impact the pounds and ounces. The docs say that if they keep this up, they should all be able to get their IVs out soon. And do you know what that means? Quad pics where they're all together!
We are so blessed!!!!
Congratulations!! They are just perfect! Sending prayers and good wishes your way.
What a great update! Sounds like everyone is doing good. The pics are wonderful! Congratulations!
This has made my day! How precious! God has truly blessed you with beautiful babies! (Not that we can really see them! Ha!) They are doing so well. It sounds like things have gone just perfect! Can't wait to see them! We will keep praying!
Love ya!
FINALLY! YAY!!!I was dying to find out how all five (well, six, don't want to forget proud daddy) of you were doing.
They are absolutely adorable, Suzy! I hope I get to see all of you in a couple of months or so.
You'll have all the feeding, pumping, bathing, diaper changing, and the other million things down in no time! You're in my prayers!
Wow! They're so tiny! But they look beautiful. Congratulations Suzy and Ted! I can't wait to see them in person.
Sweetness. Glad to know the backgrounds to the names. Go quads! And everyone cares about you, too, Suzy. (*Mom*) Great that you already got to go home so as to re-learn walking before they take their own first steps!
Ted and Suzy - thank you so much for providing us updates when you have so much going on. The fab four are indeed fantastic. Enjoy every moment!
Lisa, Joe and Reece
They are just beautiful (so are their names). Sending prayers your way.
Ted & Suzy --
Congratulations!! We are so excited for you guys! We were actually in Indy on Thursday for a quick stop, but knew a visit would be overwhelming at that point!! We can't wait to see you all & are so honored to have prayed your little family through this first part of your journey! Thanks for sharing with us all through this blog - what a blessing & testimony to God's faithful hand! Love - the Rupps
Hola Suzy!
This is really awesome
The babies is so cute, y se ven grandesitos ;)
Muchas bendiciones prima!
Gorgeous babies! They look strong and pink. I know they will be healthy and will be home before you know it.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, right? :)
What a huge blessing from God...and they're all so healthy!! Praise be:) Praying for you that you'd get lots of strength to care for your precious little ones~ They are so sweet!!!
Suzy, I love the names (and am proud to say that I had already figured out the proper pronunciations). ;) I especially love the thoughtfulness you two put into the names--what a meaningful first gift you've given to them all!
You certainly are blessed! Congratulations! I'm so happy for your family. Way to go!
Great to hear the updates! Praying for your continued recovery and for the babies! Thanks for sharing the pics (so precious!!!) and the names' meanings! Love 'em!
Blessings - The Bells
Congrats! They are adorable! Excited to see that picture with you all together!
What beautiful babes! Welcome home ! I bet Ted and a certain special kitty are very glad to have you home. Rest my friend! God Bless, Michellene
They are so beautiful! We have been praying for all of you!
Congratulations again!
Oh my, they're PERFECT and I'm over here getting teary again. Thank you for the update and I'm SO glad to hear that you're home again!
Congratulations! They are beautiful, and will grow so quickly you won't even remember what 8 lbs looked like without pictures. My mother is Ted's father's cousin... she sent me the link to your Christmas miracle. My twins were also born early and spent time in the NICU. It's great to see how wonderful your four bundles are doing!
Congratulations! I stumbled across your blog and have been praying. I am a nurse, who has taken care of many preemies even as little as 23.5wks gestastion! What a wonderful job you have done with getting these babies so big and healthy. God bless you and your entire family!
CONGRATS!!!!!!! I am so happy they are here and doing so well. I LOVE the names. Cannot wait for more updates. We too were in the hospital for the holidays. Our youngest had bilateral pnuemonia. happy holidays.
So exciting to see pictures of these precious babies! I am glad everyone is doing well! We'll continue to pray for all of you!
Congratulations Ted and Suzy! Your babies are so precious! We love the thoughtful names and the meanings that go with them. We are so thankful that everyone is doing well. We are keeping you all in our prayers.
Love~The Middletons
I forgot to tell you that my friend and neighbor (Cindy-NICU nurse) got to take care of Lucia and Jude on Christmas night!! I hope you get the chance to meet her. She is so wonderful!
congrats woman! they all look so BIG and healthy!!! love the names!!! hope you can rest up now and let that body heal before you start bringing home little ones! blessings to you!!!
Just awesome! We are so happy for you guys in the wild road ahead. :)
i have just checked in after 6 days away from this computer - and i was anxious every day to see what happened - and wow, what a great thing to come back and see! all big and beautiful, and i'm so glad to hear they're doing well and that you are too.
pat yourself on the back - you did good!
Oh, Suzy! They are beautiful and perfect. I'm so glad they're all doing so well, and your family was here to welcome the newest, and for now, most vulnerable members of the family. You sound so happy! "Traumatic" pregnancies can be hard on the mom after birth, too, so take good care of yourself. Many congratulations to you and Ted. Prayers of thanksgiving and for easy and quick weight gain and development continue.
They are so beautiful, Suzy! And so big and healthy! Many congratulations to you--I have loved keeping up with your progress (and now I have people at work interested, too!). :) They will be home before you know it, and part 2 of the adventure begins!!!!
Seriously, what size diapers are those tiny little pieces of adorableness? Have you gotten to see their eyes? And are they loud criers or just kinda like kittens? :)
Hi Suzy, you don't know me but I am Sam Wilcox's babysitter. We have been following your progress through Heather and we are thrilled for you. 4 beautiful, healthy babies and such wonderful names. Congratulations to you and Ted and may God continue to bless you and your amazing family.
Carol Routh
Congratulations on your beautiful arrivals!!!
So wee, but so adorable!! We can't wait to meet them when you're all up for visitors.
Thanks so much for the updates. Congratulations on your four little miracles!
Oh my gosh! How exciting! Even in spite of the tubes and all that, you can tell that they are healthy and thriving little boys and girls. :-) Can't wait to see how they continue to improve as the days go on. And, can't wait to see their little faces. I bet they're all a bunch of beauties! Congrats again to you all!!!
Breathtaking. That about says it all. May this be the best year yet for you and Ted!
Congrats!!! What a beautiful beautiful family!
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