Sunday, October 10, 2010

The wedding

After giving the Fab Four a quiet day to explore their new surroundings and get reacquainted with their abuelitos, it was wedding time. Tio Ner and Tia Glenda had flown in the night before, so we had a house full of people to get gussied up by lunchtime. We were so busy that I got only one picture of all of the kids together (as you can see, Dahlia couldn't wait to go see Tio Johnny and Tia Holly):

I absolutely loved seeing the kids dressed up in the outfits that Abuelita Joanna ordered for them! Here are some closeups:

The wedding, which took place at Johnny and Holly's place, was an even greater joy to witness. My dad opened with a prayer, and then a justice of the peace led the bride and groom through the exchange of vows, their rings, and a kiss. Afterward, Johnny changed out of his suit into something a little more compatible with the Texas climate, and the happy couple stepped outside to pose for pictures:

Due to several factors (including a missed nap and the fact that Mommy forgot to bring the diaper bag—oops!), Ted and the kids left shortly after the ceremony ended. Thanks a million to Tia Glenda for going home with them so that I could stay and enjoy the reception!

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