Monday, March 8, 2010

He's got the beat

A long time ago, when the Fab Four were still in the womb and nameless, I assigned to Isaac (then known as Baby B) the temporary name of Paul (as in John, Paul, George, and Ringo). If I'd known then how much Isaac would love to bang on his alphabet drums, I probably would have nicknamed him Ringo instead. When he's not pounding the drums, he's standing in front of them and bouncing to their music. So cute!

(Better to slap the drums than my face, I say. Anyone know of a good way to curb the gratuitous hitting that's starting to rear its ugly head?)


Christine said...

Are they hitting you or each other? Or both? If you, say "no hitting," put the offender down, walk away, and totally ignore him/her for a while. If each other, pick up the victim and totally lavish attention on him/her (hugs/kisses, poor baby, etc.) and completely ignore the hitter. Either way, the offender should not be getting a big reaction from you and also should immediately have any and all attention withdrawn for a little while. This seemed to help us... Good luck!

Suzy said...

A little of both, but mostly me right now. Thanks for the advice!! Although sometimes it's hard to get away from the hitter since I am usually on the floor and buried under a couple of other babies (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, ha!).

Quadmama said...

At 4 1/2, my daughters still love to turn their toy tubs upside down and pretend they're drums. Wish I had advice on the hitting... it still happens here. Thanks for the "pot 'o gold" idea... it's a huge hit with all my commenters!

Dragonfly said...

I taught my girl to pet my face gently (by taking her hand and petting my face with it and by gently stroking her face with my hand and saying "nice") and every time she gets carried away I move my face and say - no, pet mommy, don't hit and she smiles and pets my face and says -na! (our version of nice).
Then again I only have one so I'm not an expert here... I just try to redirect a lot... seems to work for now... :)

Hilary said...

Awe..but look how happy he is...I would always grab their hands and say NO nice hands don't's so hard!!!! Good luck Momma!!


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