Monday, December 31, 2012

They're 4!

When the kids were born, they changed everything, including the way we celebrate Christmas Eve. This year, we changed the way we celebrate their birthday. For the first time, they did not sit in their quad table at home. Instead, they sat around the dining room table at Abuelito and Abuelita's house in TEXAS!

On the big day, Abuelita prepared an eclectic lunch menu composed of each kid's special requests, which the kids did not even touch. They were too excited about the cake! Familiar with our tradition, Abuelita had ordered cupcakes in each kid's special color:

After eating their fill of cake (or, to be more accurate, frosting), the kids were more than ready to attack the mountain of presents from Mommy and Daddy, the abuelitos, and Tio Johnny and Tia Holly:

The kids got a lot of great stuff, but for me the best gift was having my entire family together on December 24 for the first time since the kids were born:

The kids' birthday was already a whole week ago, but it feels like the party never stopped. We've been having a blast here at Abuelito and Abuelita's house ... it's gonna be hard to leave!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they all had a blast!!! They sure are growing up fast.


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