Thursday, March 14, 2013

For the love of art

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
Pablo Picasso

As a kid, I always thought that I'd be an artist when I grew up. Although that dream faded and died long ago, my love of art and art history did not. Lately I've been thinking a lot about how I can foster the same art appreciation in my kids, especially since they are starting to exhibit a real interest in creating their own masterpieces. Check out the paintings they brought home from preschool yesterday:

Clockwise from bottom: "Tree, car, house, snake, tree, snake"
Isaac says: "That's my friend's house. The car is racing!"
"A window circle"
I told her I think it looks like a stained glass window!

"A monster. His name is Cacas. He likes restaurants. He sleeps on a convertible that is purple like him. He has 3 stomping feet."
The paint really is purple; it just doesn't look like it here. And look at that texture!

Self-portrait with "dirty grass, umbrella, blueberry, light bulb, a duck on the ceiling, and the number 6"
As usual, Dahlia's favorite thing to draw is herself!

Don't you just love how each kid already displays his or her own distinctive style?

Each piece they produce is like a little window into their minds and makes me so excited about what they are capable of creating, especially with some further instruction. Call me crazy, but I'm hoping to start teaching them a little about art myself soon, via some of these kid-friendly art projects inspired by the masters. Donations of art supplies (or extra patience) welcome!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the art and the colours. The colours yellow,red and blue is the tradition of art and make the art perfect. Thanks for the share.


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