Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Manners, schmanners

I hate planning meals. Didn't like it when it was just Ted and I, and certainly don't like it any better now that I have to make sure the Fab Four are eating a balanced diet! But, day after day, I do my best, trying other people's suggestions (avocado sandwiches are a favorite) and coming up with my own ideas (black beans with diced ham and cumin are also well received). And so far, I'd say the kids are surviving pretty well.

Even on the days that I think I've come up with the "perfect meal," though, sometimes the kids will finish eating and then look at me like there's something missing. That's when I have to improvise with whatever is in the fridge or pantry. And I must say that none of my experiments have been as popular as this (once-in-a-while, I promise!) treat:

Now, when is it that I'm supposed to start teaching them good manners?


  1. They must have been really good girls and boys to deserve a treat like that! YUM!

  2. Doesn't matter how old or young you are: Whip Cream sprayed into your mouth is always a good thing!

  3. Dessert in a can! How much easier can it get--and it was received so well! :-)

  4. they do need lots of dairy at their age right? :) I loved their reactions, very cute!

  5. I follow you but seldom comment (if I EVER have!) but this is too funny! I would have totally done something like this! And my babies are mid 20's to 30 somethings now! Wait until you get to teach them about olives on their fingers! (Do it before your mom or Mom-in law does!)

  6. Self-contained ... neat and tidy! I love it! Why shouldn't they enjoy it? I certainly have on occasion!

  7. Ha, I love it. You know I always look to you for feeding ideas :)

  8. Wait--that's NOT the proper way to eat whipped cream? I still do that if I see a Reddi-Wip can.

  9. I LOVE IT!!!! haha :)

  10. We all know it tastes best straight out of the can!


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