Friday, November 27, 2009

11 months old ... and thankful

I can hardly believe it, but the Fab Four turned 11 months old on Tuesday! Unfortunately, all four of them (and I) came down with nasty colds the next day, so we were forced to skip Thanksgiving dinner at the in-laws' yesterday and settle for eating the leftovers that they were kind enough to drop off later.

Still, it was definitely a better Thanksgiving than the one I had last year! And in spite of the snotty noses and crankiness, we have much to be thankful for: thriving babies, the loving kindness of friends and family, and God's faithful provisions at every turn. Oh, and let's not forget the smaller things, like the fact that the babies finally started sleeping allll night this month—I feel like a new woman!

If the babies could tell me what they are most thankful for, I think they'd pick the newly gated living room, which is giving them the freedom to play and explore to their little hearts' content (hmmm, maybe that's why they've been sleeping better):

The Fab Four at 11 months: Lined up at the gate to greet a visitor

Can't wait to see what life will be like with 1 year olds ... the big day is less than a month away!


  1. Bummer about the colds on Thanksgiving and am so glad you are feeling better now! Can't believe they are 11 months old already! Love the picture! That big day will be here soon! :)


  2. Life with one-year-olds is AWESOME. Such a great age. I hope everyone is feeling better!

  3. So precious! I cannot believe they are 11 Months olds already!! Wow! I can remember holding Isaac and thinking/telling you that he was about as big as the baby in my belly! Crazy at how fast time goes by. :o)

  4. ps - We just watched every single video on your blog again this morning. Tim's mom is visiting and Julia wanted to show them to her.


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