Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas quads?

This morning, my reward for making it to 33 weeks was to finally get the babies measured again. During the ultrasound, I got some very good news: Baby A weighs 4 lb. 12 oz., Baby B weighs 4 lb. 7 oz., and Baby C weighs 4 lb. 5 oz. However, I also got some not-so-great news: Baby D hasn't grown at all in the past 3 weeks and is still weighing in at just 3 lb. 6 oz.

Yesterday Dr. S warned me that, if we learned today that any of the babies hadn't been growing properly, we might need to deliver them earlier than the original goal of 34 weeks. Since that's exactly what we found out, he did an amniocentesis on Baby A to check for lung maturity (for some reason, the largest baby usually has the least-developed lungs). We are currently awaiting the results, which should be ready later today or tomorrow. If Baby A's lungs are not sufficiently developed, we will wait a little longer to deliver. But if his lungs are mature enough, it will be go time! Stay tuned ...


  1. Praying for good news and a smooth delivery either this week or next!!! You are definitely covered in love in prayers. Thanks for the update. Love you,


  2. I have butterflies and am just without words. And I'm praying!!!!! It makes me downright emotional to think of them being born on Christmas Day Suzy!!

  3. omg suzy!!! those weights are amazing!--even your smallest is bigger than my biggest was! praying for mature lungs and a healthy delivery! what a great Christmas present! God is so good!

  4. Thinking of you guys!!!! We're sending big hugs and lots of prayers!! God is in control of this and we are trusting your babies to Him at this hour!!
    Love, Becky

  5. We are checking daily on the status!! We pray all will go well and all four will be fine and new citizens in the next few days.

  6. I totally had a feeling today that you would have your babies on Christmas! I don't know if there's anything to my "feeling," but just thought I'd let you know I'm thinking about you tons! (And regardless of what day they are born, I totally think it's okay to just give the kiddos Christmas presents that double as birthday least for the first 5 years or so, until they wise up!)

  7. Praying for you all, especially for the babies lung development and for the growth of baby D. You are going to be a mommy very soon! That is so exciting!!

  8. WOW Suzy! You've got a whole lotta baby in there! :) YAY! We will be praying for you and those little ones. . . and Daddy, too! :)

  9. I hope that all goes well with your delivery. Hope baby D's lungs are strong enough and you and daddy's long wait is over real soon. May you and hubby have a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR with the new little one's.

  10. I am definitely praying for you! With God ALL things are possible. He knows the perfect time that your little ones will be born! I am a Christmas Day baby, and I would be honored to share the day with them, if it is meant to be! :)

  11. I'm new to your blog..I found you through one of the other quad mommas! You all amaze me!
    Just wanted to say hello and let you know I will be praying for you and those babies!!

  12. You're in thought and prayer, fo' sho'. Hoping for a "speedy delivery!" a la Mr. Rogers, whom these kids may sadly never know. Even so, sounds like the final turn. Amazing!

  13. WOW those weights are incredible! I will be thinking of you and the babies and anxiously awaiting news...


  14. Christmas Greetings from Jenessa Welu's aunt. Got your blog through hers. Wow what a miracle - all six of you will be in my prayers as I make my last Christmas preparations. Thank you for sharing your miraculous pregnancy with us! Rene - Minnesota

  15. As I was preaching on Sunday, thinking of Mary made me think of you.

    Suzy, If the Virgin Mary was great with child, I think that you are nothing short of AMAZING with child(ren).


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