Monday, October 6, 2008

Meet our virtual offspring

When Ted and I were first married, we saw one of those machines that morphs two faces together and just couldn't pass up the chance to see what our future kids would look like. Over the years, we've joked about the amusing results, and now, in a matter of weeks, we're finally going to see how accurate the machine's predictions were!

Allow me to introduce to you our kiddie composites (is it wrong to hope that the technology still has a ways to go?):


  1. Okay, so your son will look like Tom Cruise. There are worse things in life . . .

  2. Yikes!!!! You are saving for therapy right?
    Hope you are feeling better today!
    Hugs, J

  3. Ha ha. Josh and I are supposed to have a black little girl. I can't remember where I put that picture; I should dig it out. How funny!
    Your kids actually look cute! Maybe with a little hair styling...

  4. Mmm, the boy's no Tom Cruise, but it's actually the girl that really worries me ... I agree with Bethany that a better hairstyle might improve things a bit! :)

  5. I think the problem with the girl stems from the fact that the picture of Ted they used looks like a mug shot! The boy had a better chance from the and dad look way better!


  6. Please don't fix your daughter's hair like that! I'm sure your kids will be much cuter than this!

  7. hahaha, that's great

    They look mischievous.

    -Jon, who used to sit beside you daily

  8. Ha! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? =) Don't worry, God's much better at these things than machine.

  9. Ha Suzy they look like trouble... lol

  10. ::grins:: your children don't look anything like these composites!


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