Friday, August 1, 2008

The surgery went great!

I thought Ted would have to post in my stead to let everyone know how things went today, but it turns out that I am feeling pretty good, post-TAC. Later this week, I'll fill everybody in on the details of the day, but for now I just wanted everybody to know that I am doing very well and my doctor says that the surgery couldn't have gone better. I am glad to have it behind me, and I cannot express how thankful I am for all your prayers and encouraging words in the past few days. If everything keeps going well, I'll go home on Sunday.


  1. Wonderful!! And it was probably a nice dry run for your inevitable c-section. :)

  2. Great news! And how wonderful to hear it straight from the mama's mouth. Hope you have a super easy recovery - stay on top of the pain with the meds =) and hope you don't see those nurses for months!!!!! I'm soooo proud of you. Give Sumners my love and thanks. =)

    Love 2 You,
    The Murray Crew

  3. YEAH! I second the advice to keep up with your pain meds. And don't forget to start walking when they tell you to. It will help even though you might not want too. :)

  4. Hi, this is Pam from the multiples group. We haven't met yet. I also went to Dr. Sumners and had TAC. I am so glad to hear that your surgery went well. Heather is right, it made me less scared about the c-section because you kind of know what to expect. Linda and Jen are giving you good advice, keeping up with the meds and getting yourself moving will definitely help. It also helps to hold a pillow on your stomach if you sneeze, cough or laugh. I hope you recover quickly and have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

  5. That's good advice about the pillow. It helps a lot! SOOOO glad to hear it went well. I was praying for you yesterday and am so happy to see that YOU posted. That must mean you're doing well. :-) Now, get some rest and we'll look forward to your next blog!!

  6. Praying for you!!!! Glad to hear everything went well with the surgery.

    P.S. I'm enjoying the belly watch. :)


  7. Hi Suzy,

    I'm so glad it went well! Another big milestone to check off the list. You're doing great!


  8. That's awesome news!! And you're blogging again, so you must be feeling pretty decent! And I agree with Pam--you should probably just hold a pillow against your stomach during Project Runway this week, so you can handle all of Tim Gunn's witticisms. :)

  9. im glad that all went well with the surgery. im not sure what a TAC is exactly. but im so excited to see those babies. i love babies.


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